
How To Hold Badminton Racket | 2022

f you are seeking a way how to hold badminton racket, then congratulations are on the right track. Because most beginners and recreational players make mistakes by using a panhandle grip, that is not the right way.

There is no universal grip that you can use in Badminton for events. There are different types of wine, but for you, I have combined all script guides on how to hold badminton racket. This article will make your learning easier.

Forehand grip

For your question about how to hold badminton racket we have an answer. Take the racket, then place your hand on the face of the racket, sliding down to the handle and covering three fingers, and your thumb leaves the index finger separately.

Make sure that you don’t hold the racket handle from above, try to achieve as calmly as possible where your full hand is in the grip because it will be helpful for you if you hold the racket from the bottom, allowing you to take full benefits from the size of your racket.

Now close your hand like you shake hands. One important thing to discover is that your racket face must be vertical and not horizontal, and the V shape you make with the thumb and index finger must be parallel to the racket face.

Place your fingers from the other three fingers because it will provide extra power for your swing. Let the space between your palms and your racket will only occur if you hold your racket on your fingers and not with all your fist.

Why use this grip and how to hold badminton racket?

In Badminton, most of the shots you play are with the help of the wrist movement using the forehand grip, allowing you to move your waist freely, while in the hold of your wrist, the panhandle is blocked and only makes it possible to use full arm rotation.

When you use the exact grip while making a different shot, it gives your opponents fewer instructions for what you will play.

Mistakes to avoid knowing how to hold badminton racket

Hold the racket as low as possible, but your palms should not pass through the grip. Don’t hold back the racket too tight. Keeping a relaxed grip is very useful for the quality of your shots.

Backhand grip in Badminton

As I discussed above, there are two types of backhand grip. One used during the backhand is clear. The second is used during the backhand of armpits.

Why is the Backhand grip of two types?

So you might think that there are two types of grip. Why not just use it? It is because we are playing backhand in what scenario the reason for using this grip when you play.

After all, it clears the request for more strength, and if you try to play it with armpit clutches, you will not be able to finish your wrist movements more smoothly that are not the same in the armpits.

So to summarize, the reason we use a different handle is that the range of motion for your precise needs more wrist movements compared to the lifting of inter-picked.

Let’s Start with a Backhand Clear grip

You want to turn away from the V grip and move slightly to the Panhandle grip. Place your thumb between the racket handle’s vertical and horizontal faces; you will understand more than I see in this picture.

As you can see that there is a small line in the racket grip, this is a place where you want to put your thumb when you make a backhand. Clearly that all other things are the same as I said in the grip of the Forehand.

Keep your index finger from the other three fingers and hold your racket not on your fist but on your fingers because it allows you to use your wrist more freely. It is an essential component when playing shots in Badminton.

If you want to learn and adapt how to play backhand clearly, you can read this article on how to hold badminton racket.

  • When playing backhand cleaning
  • For drop backhand shots
  • While playing cross against smash

Backhand Underarm clear grip

Place your thumb (at an angle that is not entirely straight) on the flat side of the racket handle while leaving the space between the palm and the grip of your racket.

Most people confuse this with a panhandle grip. Here you don’t hold the racket with all your fists, but with your thumb and finger, your grip must be relaxed and tight only on its impact.

Hold the racket from the backhand dish’s last part of the handle while maintaining the grip to get maximum accuracy.

Smash grip in Badminton

Most players are mistaken when studying grip, or in some cases, they don’t even know that there is a different grip for SMASH. They use a simple Forehand grip to make a terrible smash.

So what is the reason for using this exceptional grip? During the head of the Forehand, vertical racket to the ground. You want to have the maximum power, and using the grip of forehand forehand forehand will cause Slicing between scutches. In contrast, with the grip of smash, you hit a shuttle -back with a flat face.

It might be helpful to use a Forehand grip for cross-court smash, but imagine how difficult it is to play straight by the slice.

Technique for smash grip

Hold the racket using a forehand handle; now, a little move your racket ten* to the right (if left-handed and vice versa), and only that, you are finished.

Sometimes my new player, why can’t I use my hand grip can adjust my wrist during the contact point to ensure that my racket face is straight?

The problem with this technique is that you will not get a lot of power from your wrist compared to using the grip of a smash.

It allows you to transfer power from your shoulder quickly, and finally, the racket is also tough to make the face of the racket straight at the time Right using the grip of the Forehand. Eventually, you will slice the shuttle.

Forehand grip for net shots

Holding the racket on the fingers all the same as the standard grip of the Forehand, but the only thing you need to change is having the racket on the fingers and making the racket rotate by moving your fingers and wrists.

The amount of strength you apply when shooting is significant, which is why it is recommended to hold a note on the fingers so that the shot will be more precise and accurate.

Backhand grip for net shots

For backhand clutches, the main goal you have to hold the racket on your finger. As you can see in the picture above, the player controls a racket with your fingers, and there are many gaps between the palm and the racket, allowing you to make an essential touch when playing the net shot.

Net kill grip in Badminton

When making Forehand Net killing, using a panhandle grip allows you to hit between with the flat face needed to produce more power. If you use a forehand grip, you will not be able to press the shuttle -Intangon with a straight face.

Now you might think I too can turn my wrist to make my racket face straight when I make the murder correct, but sometimes when you are under pressure, you might forget I, which is a good decision.


Now you know how to hold badminton racket. You must learn to switch quickly from Forehand to the clutches of the backhand and vice versa. This allows you to prepare your sweep quickly and reach the shuttle -on the highest point, thus providing quality shots.

When you play Badminton at a higher level, you will find yourself switching between these two grasps without thinking!

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